الرئيسية » 2010 » يناير » 15 » Soil Strength and Slope Stability
0:49:40 AM Soil Strength and Slope Stability |
Soil Strength and Slope Stability

Product Description: Authoritative, state-of-the-art
guidance to soil strength and slope-stability analysis Through clear,
concise language and practical examples, Soil Strength and Slope
Stability describes state of the art methods for evaluating soil
strength, and for analysis, design and stabilization of slopes in soil.
The principles of limit equilibrium analysis, and appropriate use of
computer programs are emphasized. Methods are described for checking
the results of complex analyses, and for presenting results of slope
stability analyses clearly. These are illustrated through many
examples. Written by two recognized experts in the field, Soil Strength
and Slope Stability features: Case histories of landslides, embankment
failures, excavation slope failures Principles that govern the shear
strength of soils, including shear strength of municipal solid waste
Methods for estimating and evaluating shear strengths based on back
analysis of slope failures and stable slopes Explanations of the
conditions that slopes must be designed to endure Detailed explanations
of analysis methods for short-term and long-term stability, rapid
drawdown, earthquake, and partial consolidation A wide range of
analysis methods, methods for verifying results, and advice on
presenting the results of slope stability analyses,including the
importance of using multiple and/or independent methods Methods for
repairing failed slopes and stabilizing marginally stable slopes
Visually informative with more than 250 illustrations, Soil Strength
and Slope Stability is a complete and practical resource for
geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, civil engineers,
geologists, environmental engineers, and students
Soil Strength and Slope Stability Link 1
مشاهده: 1032 |
أضاف: eslamabdelgowad
| الترتيب: 0.0/0 |
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المتواجدون الآن: 2 زوار: 2 مستخدمين: 0 |